Thursday, March 17, 2005

Mechanized Warfare alpha release

A new game has just emerged, Mechanized Warfare. The author released the alpha version of his game. Think Battlefield 1942 with futuristic tanks. What the game has so far is absolutely stunning for a freeware game.

On each map, there are 8 spawn points. To win a game, your team will need to control every spawn point on the map. To protect your spawn points, you can use artilery, which is easy to use and effective.

My only gripe is the AI is incredibely good, too hard to play against, which the author will hopefully fix next release.

This game is great so far, I sure hope it turns out to be a freeware classic, because it sure has the potential.

Download(Authors Homepage)
Download(Blitz Showcase)

*At time of writing, homepage is down so I included the Blitz Showcase download also.

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